Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Smile For the Camera

Yesterday I was having a bad day...not for any real reason...I was just in a funk.  When my husband got home from work he put in a DVD he made from some old footage off of our video camera.  Let me just's really hard to stay in a bad mood when you are watching footage of your first born child taking his first steps, dancing, and chasing the dogs around while squealing.  I just had to smile, and all of the sudden my day didn't seem so bad. 

Now, I should add that I HATE having my picture taken.  I hate being on camera too.  It seems like my husband always brings the camera out when my hair is a mess, and I'm wearing something that could pass for PJ's.  He's always telling me how important it is to capture memories and blah-blah-blah.  Well...don't tell him I said this, but...he's right.  I'm glad he didn't listen to me.  I'm glad he caught those moments...messy hair and all. 

From now on I am going to try to be more camera friendly...and who knows...maybe once and a while my husband will feel like pulling the video camera out when I don't look like a hot mess ;)  OR maybe I'll be the one behind the camera every now and then.

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